Bird of Prey is bay area native Torin Goodnight. Pursuing electronic music for over a decade, he has refined his sound and style to offer something unique and powerful to the electronic music community. He aims to provide an alternative to the current trends, where focused intent and sound waves convene to create the circumstances for magic. Bird of Prey offers a cohesive blend of organic, tropical qualities with modern psychedelic bass music. His fusion of elements, both natural and synthetic, create an engaging bio-digital landscape that leaves little to the imagination.
His first creations were hatched from a hardware based studio, eventually progressing to contemporary computer-based production. Upon receiving a Bachelor’s degree in sound engineering from Expression College for Digital Arts, he worked in the audio industry for four years before becoming a full time musician. After several years of being heavily involved in the psy-trance scene, he developed his sound into something that more accurately represented his imagination, in hopes of conveying how he feels about music and it’s potential to transform our every day experience into something magical.
The success of his 5 EP’s (Atrium, SubTropic, Dreamcatcher, Stray Feathers, Pathfinder/Metakinetic), and many licensed tracks to compilations have given this artist a reputation of quality and consistency. He is currently putting together a full length release (Birds Eye View), compiled of his favorite songs from his previous releases. He has also co-founded the new collaborative project, Birds of Paradise with best friend and music partner Tyler Gibson (Gibson). You can always be sure to expect honest, cutting-edge music from these audio mystics.